Concrete Proportioning and Properties are the two main fundamental things a civil engineer has to know about the construction. Concrete…
Concrete Manufacturing Process consists of many stages. The Concrete mix for delivery from a plant instead of mixing on the job…
Concrete in construction Field is a mixture of paste and aggregates. It composes of fly ash, fine and coarse aggregate,…
Cement is an important material in the building construction. It is a fine powder. And use to hold the construction materials together.…
Soil nailing is a construction technique to reinforce soil to make it stable and strong. Soil nailing technique uses for…
Footings designs to resist the shear force causes by imposing loads. Footings constructs in open space and known as open…
Retaining walls Retaining wall prevents the earth from sliding or eroding away. And to resist the material pressure of the…
Pile Driving Equipment Pile Driving Equipment uses to drive piles in the weak soil for providing strong grip to foundations.…
Causes of Cracks in concrete structures There are many Causes of Cracks in concrete structures, they are Thermal movement The…
PILE TYPES BASED ON CONSTRUCTION METHOD Three pile types of pile foundations according to their construction methods: Driven piles, Cast-in-situ…