Concrete Structures

Concrete Proportioning and Properties

Concrete Proportioning and Properties are the two main fundamental things a civil engineer has to know about the construction.  Concrete…

7 years ago

Concrete Manufacturing Process

Concrete Manufacturing Process consists of many stages. The Concrete mix for delivery from a plant instead of mixing on the job…

7 years ago

Concrete in construction Field

Concrete in construction Field is a mixture of paste and aggregates. It composes of fly ash, fine and coarse aggregate,…

7 years ago

Cement and uses in Construction

Cement is an important material in the building construction. It is a fine powder. And use to hold the construction materials together.…

7 years ago

Soil Nailing

Soil nailing is a construction technique to reinforce soil to make it stable and strong. Soil nailing technique uses for…

7 years ago


Footings designs to resist the shear force causes by imposing loads. Footings constructs in open space and known as open…

7 years ago

Retaining Walls

Retaining walls Retaining wall prevents the earth from sliding or eroding away. And to resist the material pressure of the…

7 years ago

Pile Driving Equipment

Pile Driving Equipment Pile Driving Equipment uses to drive piles in the weak soil for providing strong grip to foundations.…

7 years ago

Causes of Cracks in concrete structures

Causes of Cracks in concrete structures There are many Causes of Cracks in concrete structures, they are Thermal movement The…

7 years ago


PILE TYPES BASED ON CONSTRUCTION METHOD Three pile types of pile foundations according to their construction methods: Driven piles, Cast-in-situ…

7 years ago