
Concrete Proportioning and Properties

Concrete Proportioning and Properties are the two main fundamental things a civil engineer has to know about the construction.  Concrete…

7 years ago

15 Types of Cement in construction

There are many types of cement produces to fulfill the needs in construction Industry. By changing compositions and adding substances different types…

7 years ago

Test For Bricks

There are many Test For Bricks. Test conduct on bricks to obtain suitability of bricks employing in the construction of various structural…

7 years ago

Qualities of Good Brick

There are certain Qualities of Good Brick. A Good Brick has certain physical and chemical properties. Bricks use in new…

7 years ago

Strengthening Column Using Micro Concrete Jacketing

Strengthening Column Using Micro Concrete Jacketing  Remove entire plaster to reach parent concrete surface if the column is plaster. Now…

7 years ago