There are many Test For Bricks. Test conduct on bricks to obtain suitability of bricks employing in the construction of various structural elements. These test conduct in site and laboratory at the time of purchasing of materials. And in the time of construction of several structures. It is necessary to conduct the test for bricks to produce a good quality and strong structure.

Test For Bricks

There are several tests for bricks they are,

  • Compressive or crushing Test
  • Hardness Test
  • Durability
  • Sound Test
  • Water Absorption Test
  • Structure and
  • Presence of chemicals

1. Compressive or crushing Test


The Compressive or crushing Test performs in a compression testing machine. The load applies on the top surface of the brick. The maximum load at which the brick breaks marks. The Compressive or crushing Test calculate by

                           The compressive or crushing strength of brick =  Maximum Load / Surface Area

The Minimum crushing strength of brick is 3.50N/mm². If the Compressive or crushing strength is lesser than 3.50N/mm², the brick fails and not useful for construction.


2. Hardness Test

Hardness Test is a simple test. A good brick is more resistance to abrasion. Sharp object scratches the surface of bricks and if there is no impression on brick then it’s a Hard Brick.

3. Durability


The Durability test is by dropping the brick from a height of one meter on a flat hard surface.

4. Sound Test

Sound Test performs by striking bricks with each other or with a hammer.  A clear ringing or a metallic sound hear striking with another brick.

5. Water Absorption Test

In Water Absorption Test the brick weights and soak in water for twenty-four hours. The Difference in weight indicates the amount of water absorbs by brick. The percentage of water Absorption is lesser than twenty percent for a good quality Brick.

6. Structure

It’s a physical test for bricks for its size, shape, and color. Brick possess standard shape, uniform size, plain surfaces and sharp edges. It is rectangular in shape and copper color. The standard size of a good quality Brick is 19cm x 9cm x 9cm. And it tests for voids, cracks, and any other foreign matters present in it.

7. Presence of chemicals


In this test, the brick soaks in water for one day and dry in shade. If the presence of grey or white deposits spots it indicates the presence of chemicals.

abbu riyaz

Published by
abbu riyaz

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