Using penetron technology to Increase lifespan of concrete structures by 60%
PENETRON ADMIX method is to protect concrete in most critical environments. PENETRON ADMIX becomes an integral part of the concrete. Easily mixed during batching and unaffected by climatic conditions & increase the lifespan of concrete structures by 60%.
PENETRON ADMIX performance highlights
Resists high hydrostatic pressure
Provides ‘self-healing’ capabilities for cracks up to 0.4 mm
Enhances the compressive strength of concrete
Non-toxic and contains no VOCs
Resists chemical attacks
reduces chloride penetration and carbonation
Effectively counters alkali-silica reaction
Prevents corrosion of reinforcement steel
Not a vapor barrier; allows concrete to breathe
Protects against sulfate attack.
Add Ready-Mix Concrete PENETRON ADMIX at the batching plant.
Add PENETRON ADMIX to drum of the ready-mix truck.Add 60-70% of the required water along with 136-227 kg of aggregate.
Mix the materials for 2-3 minutes to ensure even distribution of PENETRON ADMIX.
Add the balance of materials to the ready-mix truck using standard batching practices.
Increases durability and life-span of concrete by 60 years or more
Eliminates the need for any surface-applied protection systems
Saves money—lifetime concrete protection
Maximizes time on the construction site
Doesn’t require specific W/C or cement content to perform
Easy to mix into the concrete at batching.
Non-staining tracer ensures quality and performance
Soluble bag packaging eliminates measuring and simplifies mixing
How it works
Add PENETRON ADMIX to the concrete at the time of batching. This disperses the PENETRON chemicals homogenously throughout the mix.
PENETRON active ingredients react with water to form insoluble crystals, which fill cracks, pores, and voids up to a width of 400 microns. PENETRON ADMIX is an integral part of the concrete matrix; crystalline growth takes place throughout the concrete structure.
Water molecules (and harmful chemicals) can no longer pass through the concrete.
This avoids the buildup of vapor pressure.
In absence of moisture, the PENETRON components lay dormant. At any time, the sealing process resumes automatically, providing a fully self-healing concrete.